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Science on Stage KZ

Science on Stage Europe -
from teachers for teachers 

This year, part of our festival will act as the country-level stage for Science on Stage Europe. This is an international festival for teachers from all over the world to share their best practices in teaching scientific subjects. 

Science on Stage Europe gives science teachers a chance to show their talents and exchange ideas on how to make their lessons bright, interesting and exciting for children. 

The PRO.NRG FEST team has already held a selection competition for STEAM teachers from all over Kazakhstan. At our festival, you’ll find out the names of the winners who will go to Turku, Finland for the global final of Science on Stage Europe. 

Be the first to learn about the most promising and creative educators in our country.

Come join us at PRO.NRG FEST!

views: 318
update: 26.07.2023


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