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Exhibition of innovative teachers and educational projects

Exhibition of innovative teachers
and educational projects 

A unique and interactive part of PRO.NRG FEST is our educational exhibition. Here you will find out who is changing the landscape of STEAM education in Kazakhstan and how they’re doing it. You’ll find innovative and interesting educational solutions all in one place to help you keep abreast of the latest trends and best practices in the fields of science, engineering, mathematics and digital technologies. 

Teachers will learn about advanced training programs, educational programs, and other opportunities for career development in Kazakhstan and abroad. 

Directors of schools and educational institutions will encounter new approaches and teaching methods, learn about the latest achievements in modern classroom equipment and technologies, and find news partners and experts for their organization. 

Parents and children will find new interesting courses, programs and games that will help the children learn and grow while still being entertained. Educators and specialists in the field of child development will conduct consultations and give recommendations to help you develop a personal educational plan tailored to your child’s needs. 

Our exhibition also includes the projects of teachers who are participating in the Science on Stage Kazakhstan competition. These teachers have passed a rigorous selection process to present you with their ideas and solutions that can be applied in your school or classroom. 

The educational fair at PRO.NRG FEST is a great opportunity to meet and exchange experience with colleagues, experts and professionals in the education field.

Come join us at PRO.NRG FEST!

views: 316
update: 26.07.2023


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